Empowering Young Voices
Mastering public speaking is a crucial skill to cultivate both in the present and for the future. As European citizens, it is our responsibility upon us to raise our voices against injustice. Additionally, proficiency in foreign languages is a fundamental asset for future career success. Collaborating with Liceo Colombini in Piacenza, Italy, we strive to mold our students into capable and accomplished European citizens!
We are happy to welcome these members in our team: Mathis Laveyne (4TP2), Mathys Penson (4NP4), Ewout Bullynck (4TP2), Darius Vandevyvere (4LW1), Leontien Muylaert (5LWI2), Lauren Vandenbussche (5HWE2), Amalia Abdoelrahman (5HWE1), Lisa Museeuw (5HWE4), Jinke Vanbaelenberghe (5HWE4), Nina Maria Vanwynsberghe (4ES1) and Charlotte Meesschaert (4NS2).

European Youth Parliament
During "Ostend 23", members of Empowering Young Voices, Democracy and Media and Dare to Speak wrote and presented resolutions for the EU Youth Parliament.
Elke naam telt/Every name counts
The students of Empowering Young Voices went on the 19th of January 2024 to Kazerne Dossin, a holocaust memorial, to give victims of the shoah a voice by recording their name and background story.
Click on the arrows to view the slideshow!

EYV Erasmuspodcast
What do our pupils think of their voting right for the upcoming EU elections?
Find out in our first Erasmuspodcast episode!