Dare to speak!
Speaking in public is an important skill we want to develop for now and later in life. It is also our duty as European citizens to speak up when injustice is happening. Furthermore, speaking foreign languages is a key competence for a future career. Together with IES Arroyo Harnina de Almendralejo we aim to turn our students into real and talented European citizens!
We are happy to welcome these members in our team: Fleur Bellings (5WWI1), Pablo Victor Bulteel (5LWI2), Roos Caus (4HM1), Babette Crombez (5TWE1), Hannefloor Ferdinande (5LWE2), Danni Michiels (5BEW2), Yannis Michils (5EWI2), Elise Notredame (5BEW2), Wout Pincket (5WWI2), Arezo Rahimi (5BEW2) and Esther Verhamme (5HWE2).

Home mobility
From May 3rd until May 9th 2023, the students of Almendralejo visited Ostend to work on their speaking skills and other non curricular talents! Watch their aftermovie here!
Dare to speak meets Art for All
The students of Dare to speak were the first ones to try out the conversation cards made by the Erasmus students of Art for All. Watch their experience here!
Vlog during the mobility in Sevilla
From September 17th until September 23rd 2023, the students of Ostend visited Almendralejo in order to work on their speaking skills and other non curricular talents! Watch their vlog here!
Dare to speak in a Spanish radio station
The students of Dare to speak visited the school radio station that is used for a lot of Erasmus+ purposes. The Spanish delegation interviewed the students of Ostend about cultural differences and experiences in Spain. It is our dream to create a school radio in Ostend as well!
European Day of Languages
During the European Day of Languages, the students of Dare to Speak presented their favourite word.
European Youth Parliament
Students of Dare to speak participated with students of Democracy and Media and Empowering Young Voices in the EU Youth Parliament Ostend 23. Here you can see Pablo Victor Bulteel and Wout Pincket presenting their resoltions.
Aftermovie of the project Dare To Speak
Watch the video to see what the project was about!