Green and inclusive
With our partner school Istituto istruzione superiore Gemelli Careri in Oppido Mamertina (Italy) we aim to support our MOS-team, our plantclub, develop sustainable strategies for taking care of our environment and include students with fewer opportunities.

The following students were selected: Lotte Aelvoet (5WWI2), Lana Moortgat (5WWI2), Emilio Depuydt (5LW2), Klaas Dekeyser (5HWE4), Elin Jonckheere (5LWE2), Minke Cogge (4LP1), Phebe Vermander (4LW1), Meijra Brunet (4HME1), Katharina Panesi (4HS1) and Marie Vernaillen (4LW1).
Home mobility in Ostend
Click on the video to watch our home mobility!
On Thursday 16/11/2023, the students of the MOS-team and Green and Inclusive organised a Thriftshop edition at Campus Centrum. Upcycling clothing and helping students with fewer opportunities are the best combo!
Mobility to Oppido Mamertina
From 02/03/24 until 09/03/24, the Belgian students were hosted by their partners in Oppido Mamertina. Click on the video to see the aftermovie of this mobility!
Thriftshop: second edition
At Campus Centrum and at Campus Pegasus, our students organised other editions of the thriftshop to help their peers in need. Here you can watch the second edition at Campus Pegasus.