A.S.O.S. - A Symphony Of Science
This project with 60 Gymnasio Larisas (Greece) and Colegiul National ,,Costache Negri"(Romania) focuses on developing musical and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and musicalskills including students with neurodiversity. In the beginning of february 2024, half of the group will travel to Larissa (Greece), in March the Greek and Romanian delegations will be hosted in Ostend and in April the other half will be hosted in Galati (Romania).

Our Team
Thibe Deprez (6WIR2), Delphine Bohy (6EMT2), Florian Lievens (6LMT1), Maria Shaposhnikova (5HWE2), Linde Vandenheede (4HME1), Ella Wets (4ES1), Shenya Bossier (4SP2), Ciara Uzoma (4LS1), Yari Vijatakula (6WIR2), Mila Waerlop (5HWE2) and Eri Boedt (5LMT2), Mats Creve (5WWI1), Simon Debeuf (6WWI2), Camille Delanoye (5LWE2), Aiko Cheyns (5MTA1), Aélis Klinck Jonckheere (5LWE2).
Mobility to Greece
From 02/02/24 -09/02/24, Delphine Bohy (6EMT2), Shenya Bossier (4SP2), Thibe Deprez (6WIR2), Florian Lievens (6LMT1), Maria Shaposhnikova (5HWE2), Linde Vandenheede (4HME1), Ciara Uzoma (4LS1), Yari Vijitakula (6WIR2), Mila Waerlop (5HWE2) en Ella Wets (4ES1) visited the 6th Gymnasio in Larissa, Greece, accompanied by their teachers J/ Borra and M. Van Tiggel. Our music teacher B. Bulteel had his first job shadowiug experience as well!
Mobility to Belgium
From 10/03/24 -16/03/24, we welcomed the Greek and Romanian delegation in Ostend. The rain could not spoil the fun!
Mobility to Romania
From 14/04/24 -21/04/24, Eri Boedt (5LMT2), Aiko Cheyns (5MTA1), Aélis Klink Jonkheere (5LWE2), Camille Delanoye (5LWE2), Simon Debeuf (6WWI2) and Mats Creve (5WWI1) visited the Colegiul Costache Negri, accompanied by L. D'hoedt and S. Boeve.