LGBTQ+ @ school
In 2019, the project LGBTQ+ @ school was launched, involving partners from Spain, Germany and Romania. Extending a two year working period due to COVID-19, students and teachers met on four different occasions to normalize this topic, reduce bullying, increasy the visibility of and tolerance towards this group of students. According to UNICEf (2018) 50% of LGTB students has suffered bullying or cyberbullying during Secondary School. Therefore, although the legal and social framework has improved in Europe, we still have a long way to go.
Het Liefdesantigifcentrum
On may 14 2021 at 1pm in Ostend Belgium took the inauguration of the love antidote centrum place with a playful performance at the casino. There are 6 bicycles spread in Ostend. Each bicycle has a piece of paper with a QR-code. If you scan the QR-code, you will receive a video testimonial and a life story. This year the centrum fights against the growing intolerance against the LGBTQ community as experienced by young people in Ostend. All contributions come from Athena’s pupils and former pupils. They also decorated a contribution from Jaouad Alloul, Sam Bettens and Stefan van den Broeck. Also a thank you to Felix van den Broeck, Celia Bogaert, Tristan Piolon and Vanessa Daniels.

Çavaria diversity award 21 nomination
We are very proud to announce that team Belgium was nominated for the diversity award of Cavaria. In the year before, they worked very hard to bring more diversity to Ostend.
This is a radio play, told in a humorous tone, to fight against LGTB discrimination, encourage respect and break down stereotypes. Students wrote the plot from this starting point: on January 17th, John meets his parents in the afternoon to confess them a terrible secret: I am heterosexual!!!!! Screams, cries. Now he will have to cope with all the difficulties LGTB met during the 20th century.
Although it is a fiction plot, the historical, social, cultural and political elements are true.

Final report
We take great pride in sharing the scores on our final report by our national agency Epos Vlaanderen:
1. Relevance of the project/strategy: 20/20 (!)
2. Quality of the project and implementation: 19/25
3. Quality of the project team and project arrangements: 15/15 (!)
4. Impact and dissemination: 34/40
A big thank you to all the team members who made this possible!